- Just do it. - Nike
- The happiest place on earth. - Disneyland
- Think different. - Apple
- I’m lovin’ it. - McDonald’s
- Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. - M&M’s
- The ultimate driving machine. - BMW
- Because you’re worth it. - L’Oreal
- The king of beers. - Budweiser
- The happiest hour. - TGI Fridays
- Taste the rainbow. - Skittles
- The world is on time. - FedEx
- Can you hear me now? - Verizon Wireless
- The ultimate refreshment. - Coca-Cola
- It’s finger-lickin’ good. - KFC
- Just for the taste of it. - Diet Coke
- Quality never goes out of style. - Levi’s
- Eat fresh. - Subway
- I want my MTV. - MTV
- Don’t leave home without it. - American Express
- The best a man can get. - Gillette
- Live in your world. Play in ours. - PlayStation
- The quicker picker-upper. - Bounty
- A diamond is forever. - De Beers
- We bring good things to life. - GE
- The ultimate driving machine. - BMW
- The happiest place on earth. - Disneyland
- Think outside the bun. - Taco Bell
- The happiest hour. - TGI Fridays
- Put a tiger in your tank. - Esso
- Get a piece of the rock. - Prudential
- Have it your way. - Burger King
- When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight. - FedEx
- We’re number two, so we try harder. - Avis
- The Breakfast of Champions. - Wheaties
- It’s not delivery, it’s DiGiorno. - DiGiorno Pizza
- The world is on time. - UPS
- The ultimate refreshment. - Pepsi
- I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV. - Vicks Formula 44
- Bet you can’t eat just one. - Lay’s Potato Chips
- The king of beers. - Budweiser
- M’m! M’m! Good! - Campbell’s Soup
- Taste the rainbow. - Skittles
- It takes a licking and keeps on ticking. - Timex
- The world’s favorite airline. - British Airways
- Don’t leave home without it. - American Express
- Just do it. - Nike
- The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup. - Folgers Coffee
- The ultimate driving machine. - BMW
- The choice of a new generation. - Pepsi
- The ultimate in feminine protection. - Stayfree
- Snap! Crackle! Pop! - Rice Krispies
- Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman. - Secret Deodorant
- The world is on time. - DHL
- The pause that refreshes. - Coca-Cola
- Finger-lickin’ good. - KFC
- We bring good things to life. - GE
- It’s everywhere you want to be. - Visa
- Think different. - Apple
- Taste the feeling. - Coca-Cola
- I can’t believe I ate the whole thing. - Alka-Seltzer
- The ultimate expression of individuality. - Levi's
- Save money. Live better. - Walmart
- Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. - State Farm Insurance
- Impossible is nothing. - Adidas
- The happiest place on earth. - Disney World
- Your potential, our passion. - Microsoft
- The world's local bank. - HSBC
- The ultimate driving machine. - Mercedes-Benz
- Don't just book it, Thomas Cook it. - Thomas Cook
- Beyond the ordinary. - Audi
- Eat, sleep, Jeep. - Jeep
- Think small. - Volkswagen
- Connecting people. - Nokia
- Every kiss begins with Kay. - Kay Jewelers
- The only way to fly. - Delta Air Lines
- America runs on Dunkin'. - Dunkin' Donuts
- When you care enough to send the very best. - Hallmark
- Be all you can be. - US Army
- It's not just a car, it's a Saab. - Saab
- What's in your wallet? - Capital One
- The world is on time. - TNT
- The best never rests. - Ford
- The power of dreams. - Honda
- Think different. - IBM
- The ultimate gaming experience. - Xbox
- The ultimate in luxury. - Rolls Royce
- The happiest place on earth. - Disney Land
- The ultimate driving machine. - Audi
- Taste the difference. - Starbucks
- The ultimate in performance. - Porsche
- The ultimate driving machine. - Jaguar
- Can you hear me now? - Sprint
- I'd like to teach the world to sing. - Coca-Cola
- The ultimate driving machine. - Land Rover
- Get more out of now. - T-Mobile
- Melts in your mouth, not in your hand. - Hershey's Kisses
- The world is on time. - DPD
- Because you're hungry. - Burger King
- The ultimate driving machine. - Bentley
- It's good to be home. - Century 21 Real Estate
- The world is on time. - TNT Express
- You are now free to move about the country. - Southwest Airlines
- The ultimate driving machine. - Volvo
- The king of the road. - Harley Davidson
- The ultimate driving machine. - Lamborghini
- The ultimate driving machine. - Bugatti
- The world is on time. - Royal Mail
- The ultimate driving machine. - Ferrari
- The ultimate driving machine. - Aston Martin
- For a better life. - LG
- Never stop improving. - Home Depot
- Quality you can trust. - Toyota
- The ultimate driving machine. - Lotus
- So easy, a caveman can do it. - Geico
- The ultimate driving machine. - McLaren
- Be an opener of doors. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- For a better you. - Samsung
- The ultimate driving machine. - Pagani
- Refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach. - Heineken
- Like a rock. - Chevrolet
- The ultimate driving machine. - Koenigsegg
- Nothing runs like a Deere. - John Deere
- The world is on time. - DPD Group
- The ultimate driving machine. - Alfa Romeo
- Think. Again. - Apple
- Because you're worth it. - L'Oréal
- The world is on time. - UPS
- Just do it. - Nike
- We bring good things to life. - General Electric
- The ultimate driving machine. - BMW
- The happiest place on earth. - Disneyland
- A diamond is forever. - De Beers
- Finger-lickin' good. - KFC
- The ultimate driving machine. - Maserati
- The ultimate driving machine. - Audi Sport
- Eat fresh. - Subway
- The ultimate driving machine. - AC Schnitzer
- I'm lovin' it. - McDonald's
- The world's online marketplace. - eBay
- The ultimate driving machine. - AMG
- Because life is complicated enough. - Mastercard
- Think outside the bun. - Taco Bell
- The ultimate driving machine. - Brabus
- Taste the feeling. - Coca-Cola
- The world on time. - FedEx
- The ultimate driving machine. - AMR
- Don't leave home without it. - American Express
- The ultimate driving machine. - Ruf
- Always Coca-Cola. - Coca-Cola
- The happiest place on earth. - Walt Disney World
- The ultimate driving machine. - ABT Sportsline
- We bring good things to life. - General Electric
- Beyond petroleum. - BP
- Never stop exploring. - Land Rover
- The ultimate driving machine. - AMV8
- The world is on time. - DHL
- Think small. - Volkswagen
- The ultimate driving machine. - AMV12
- It's finger-lickin' good. - KFC
- Engineered like no other car in the world. - Mercedes-Benz
- The ultimate driving machine. - AMG GT
- The ultimate driving machine. - BRZ
- I'm a PC and Windows 7 was my idea. - Microsoft
- The ultimate driving machine. - AMG GT C
- Eat more chicken. - Chick-fil-A
- The ultimate driving machine. - Audi RS
- The world is on time. - Chronopost
- Always low prices. Always. - Walmart
- The ultimate driving machine. - Audi S
- The best or nothing. - Mercedes-Benz
- The world is on time. - Deutsche Post
- The ultimate driving machine. - Audi R
- Because you're worth it. - Garnier
- The ultimate driving machine. - Cadillac
- The ultimate driving machine. - Chevrolet Camaro
- The world's local brew. - Stella Artois
- The ultimate driving machine. - Chevrolet Corvette
- Think ahead. - Visa
- The ultimate driving machine. - Chevrolet Silverado
- You're not you when you're hungry. - Snickers
- The ultimate driving machine. - Chevrolet Colorado
- Designed for driving pleasure. - Mazda
- The ultimate driving machine. - Ford GT
- The world is on time. - GLS
- Can you hear me now? Good. - Verizon Wireless
- The ultimate driving machine. - Ford Mustang
- The world's favorite airline. - British Airways
- The ultimate driving machine. - Ford F-150
- Have it your way. - Burger King
- The ultimate driving machine. - Dodge Challenger
- Expect more. Pay less. - Target
- The ultimate driving machine. - Dodge Charger
- Impossible made possible. - Samsung
- The ultimate driving machine. - RAM 1500
- I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV. - Vicks
- The ultimate driving machine. - RAM 2500
- It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno. - DiGiorno Pizza
- The ultimate driving machine. - RAM 3500
- A diamond is forever. - Forevermark.
- The ultimate driving machine. - Jeep Wrangler
- The happiest place on earth. - Hong Kong Disneyland
- The ultimate driving machine. - Jeep Grand Cherokee
- Think different. - Apple
- The ultimate driving machine. - Jeep Cherokee
- The king of beers. - Budweiser
- The ultimate driving machine. - GMC Sierra
- Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. - M&M's
- The ultimate driving machine. - GMC Yukon
- I'm going to Disney World! - Walt Disney World
- The ultimate driving machine. - Porsche 911